The Day of Salvation and Liberation - 2017

On May 21, 2017, Moscow began to celebrate 26 Iyar – the Day of Salvation and Liberation.

The first event took place at the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center, where veterans of the Great Patriotic War, former prisoners of ghettos and concentration camps, gathered. On the evening of May 21, a traditional prayer in honor of 26 Iyar took place in the Moscow Choral Synagogue. More than 500 people gathered within the walls of the Moscow Choral Synagogue to offer prayers to the Almighty in order to thank him for the miracle of liberation, to honor the memory of those who fell in those terrible years and the liberators. The events dedicated to 26 Iyar continued on the morning of May 22 with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Moscow.

About 200 people gathered near the Kremlin wall to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers. The ceremony participants honored the memory of the victims with a minute of silence.

On May 21, in Jerusalem, in the synagogue at the Western Wall, a mass prayer was organized. Jews prayed for the repose of millions of their brothers tortured by the Nazis or killed on the fronts of World War II. They also prayed for the health of the living veterans and children of the war.

And on the morning of May 22, also in Jerusalem, at the military cemetery located on Mount Herzl, a special meeting was held, and residents of different cities of Israel arrived in the capital to take part in it.
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The Day of Salvation and Liberation - 2014

The Day of Salvation and Liberation - 2014

May 21, 2014 in New York, at the headquarters of the United Nations, under the guidance of Israel's Ambassador to the United Nations Ron Prosor and with the participation of Israeli Interior Deputy Minister Faina Kirschenbaum an important meeting was held, at which a new date for the Jewish calendar was announced